

This is fun, my first time being tagged for one of these! The lovely cuti-clue-les tagged me, go check her out!
Answer the 10 questions
Pass this tag to 5 other bloggers
Alert the bloggers you tagged about this.

1)  How many polishes do you have?
I have 153 not counting base/top coats, my daughters polishes (she has her own collection going already and she's only 6 lol), or the 15 more that I have ordered that haven't arrived yet.
2)  What is your favourite brand of nail polish?
This is hard. I would say probably China Glaze or Zoya for major brands, even though I have more OPI than either of them, and A England or Dollish Polish for the more indie brands.
3)  Do you like crackle polish, or do you hate it?
I like it, though I have gotten rid of all my shatter/crackle polishes and won't buy any more.
4)  What was your first nail polish brand?
The very first brand I ever used was my moms clear Sally Hansen Hard as Nails. That was pretty much all the nail polish that was in our house since my mom is a nurse and couldn't really wear a lot of colors. My first brand since I started collecting within the last year or so was either OPI or Essie that I would buy at Target.
5)  If you’re gonna create a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?
I am so not creative so even coming up with a name for this made up collection is impossible!
6)  What nail polish colour does not compliment you?
Yellow. I only have one yellow and though I do like it, it looks bad on me if worn by itself. It needs a glitter top coat or something to look decent.
7)  And what colour does compliment you?
I don't really know, but I like pretty much any color but yellow on me. I think dusty colors might look best
8)  Name 2 of your best nail art friends!
I'm new to the blogger world, so I don't really know any. But I do really enjoy the nail art both Gnarly Gnails and the-polished-perfectionist do.
9)  What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
The color I am currently wearing and will be posting about later, the Japenese polish one of my best friends sent me! It's Integrate RS341 and its super pretty!

10)Make a speech about thanking the blogger who gave you this tag.
http://cuti-clue-les.blogspot.com/ tagged me. She's just recently started her blog (like me), and I love it! I am so jealous of her lovely long nails, they make any polish look amazing! I'm looking forward to reading her blog for a very long time. And as a bonus, she's from Ireland, my favorite country in the whole world! I'm part Irish myself on my grandmothers side (she's a Murphy), and I will take any chance I can get to go visit there.

Here are the bloggers I would like to tag:


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