
My first nail art

Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans! Happy Wednesday to everyone else, the week is half over! Today I have my first attempt at any kind of nail art. I am the opposite of artistic so I have put off doing any kind of nail art but decided that what I wanted to do for today was fairly straight forward so I would give it a go. It didn't come out half bad, so I'm happy! No clue how long it will be before I attempt anything again though lol. I do have the 3 different Bundle Monster sets on my birthday list, but that isn't for another 2 months. Anyway, todays mani is actually mostly my daughters idea. I did her nails first, and she came up with the color combos. I liked it so much I copied her :). Being 6 she was thrilled when she say my nails in the morning, I'm sure in a few years her reaction would be completely different lol.

I will start out with pics of her nails, then mine, so click the cut to see!

Right hand in sun

Her picks of colors are:

Base colors on thumb, ring and pinkie: Zoya Sooki
Glitter on thumb and pinkie: Once Upon a Polish Under the Sea
Flag: blue and white Kiss nail art paint
Index and middle: Whimsical Ideas by Pam Seuss

I have previously reviewed all of these polishes except Under the Sea. Formula on that was good, good glitter payoff with out fishing for it. This was 2 coats on each of us and I think it has good coverage at 2. Not sure I would want to wear it alone, so layering it at 2 coats is perfect for me.

Both hands indoors

Left hand in sun

Right hand in sun
As you can see I need some practice on making thinner lines, but overall I'm happy, especially with my right hand! I don't know what happened to my right pinkie, the polish didn't chip, I think its a little bit of weird shrinkage from the quick dry top coat. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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